[1]> (setf colors '(red green blue)) (RED GREEN BLUE) [2]> 'colors COLORS [3]> colors (RED GREEN BLUE) [4]> (describe 'colors) COLORS is the symbol COLORS, lies in #, is accessible in 1 package COMMON-LISP-USER, a variable, value: (RED GREEN BLUE). # is the package named COMMON-LISP-USER. It has 2 nicknames CL-USER, USER. It imports the external symbols of 2 packages COMMON-LISP, EXT and exports no symbols, but no package uses these exports. (RED GREEN BLUE) is a list of length 3. [5]> (describe colors) (RED GREEN BLUE) is a list of length 3. [6]> (type-of 'colors) SYMBOL [7]> (type-of colors) CONS [8]> (car '((A B C) EASY AS (1 2 3))) (A B C) [9]> (cdr '((SIMPLE AS) DO RE ME)) (DO RE ME) [10]> (cons 'YOU '(AND ME)) (YOU AND ME) [11]> (list 'ITS 'EASY) (ITS EASY) [12]> (append '(SING) '(A) '(SIMPLE MELODY)) (SING A SIMPLE MELODY) [13]> (bye)