Functions for producing samples from the HMM via random walks have been implemented in the hidden-markov-music.hmm namespace. See here for the source code and standalone jar.

This was actually a very straightforward task, and depended on implementing only a few functions

select-random-key was a useful little function I came up with. Rows in the probability matrices in my model are represented by hash-maps, mapping states to their respective probabilities. This means I needed a function which takes a hash-map (or really any sequence of [key prob] pairs), and randomly return one of the keys, according to its probability. I accomplished this by choosing a number on the interval (0, 1], and iterating over each [key prob] pair, subtracting the prob from that random number, until it was 0 or smaller. Since the number was selected from a uniform distribution, this should function properly. Each of random-initial-state, random-transition, and random-emission were implemented in only a few lines of code, thanks to select-random-key.

sample-states was my favorite function to implement. I made use of Clojure’s iterate function, which takes a function f, and an initial value x, and returns the infinite lazy sequence

(x (f x) (f (f x)) (f (f (f x))) ...)

So I used random-initial-state to select my initial x, and iterated over it using random-transition.

sample-emissions was simple to implement, once sample-states was done. All I had to do was map random-emission over the output of sample-states, giving me yet another infinite lazy sequence.


As a demonstration, I wrote a little main function, which you can try out by downloading and running this jar.

There are basically two options this demonstrates.

Random Weather

The first option demonstrates a randomly constructed HMM for weather events, and produces a user-specified length sample of weather states and emissions. This demonstration is based on the classic example, where you want to predict the weather based on the activities your friend performs that day, except here we are merely producing random events based on that model.

Here are two trial runs

$ java -jar hidden-markov-music-0.1.1-standalone.jar --model weather --number 10
{:states [:rainy :sunny],
 :observations [:run :clean :shop],
 {:rainy {:sunny 0.15290842575294025, :rainy 0.8470915742470598},
  :sunny {:sunny 0.7944099568677614, :rainy 0.20559004313223866}},
  {:shop 0.17992544383482936,
   :clean 0.5032243598745245,
   :run 0.31685019629064615},
  {:shop 0.1995410394723953,
   :clean 0.3334005417814596,
   :run 0.4670584187461452}},
 :initial-prob {:sunny 0.05689179111816801, :rainy 0.943108208881832}}

S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :sunny, E = :shop
S = :sunny, E = :run
S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :clean
S = :sunny, E = :run
S = :sunny, E = :run

$ java -jar hidden-markov-music-0.1.1-standalone.jar --model weather --number 15
{:states [:rainy :sunny],
 :observations [:run :clean :shop],
 {:rainy {:sunny 0.344173499514248, :rainy 0.655826500485752},
  :sunny {:sunny 0.659253867160301, :rainy 0.34074613283969907}},
  {:shop 0.4582534082891948,
   :clean 0.18845548548249824,
   :run 0.353291106228307},
  {:shop 0.22074445675297727,
   :clean 0.2564510210102876,
   :run 0.5228045222367352}},
 :initial-prob {:sunny 0.25606152474353544, :rainy 0.7439384752564645}}

S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :rainy, E = :run
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :sunny, E = :clean
S = :sunny, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :shop
S = :sunny, E = :run
S = :sunny, E = :run
S = :sunny, E = :shop
S = :sunny, E = :clean
S = :rainy, E = :shop

Note that the model is different each time, and the length of the sample matches the argument to --number. This is accomplished by producing an infinite lazy sequence of states, let’s call it states, and using the take function to only evaluate the first N states.

(take N states)

Random Songs

The second option demonstrates an HMM for a song, where the state transition probabilities are predefined, but the emission probabilities are randomly determined. The states correspond to parts of the song: beginning, middle, chorus, finale, and end. Each state emits notes A through G. Each state has a high probability of transitioning to itself, and a low probability to transitioning to one or two other states, but always has some transitions with zero probability. For instance, beginning never transitions directly to finale, but middle and chorus can transition back and forth. The end state is special, because it is used as a signal to stop taking elements from the sequence. The take-while function is used, which is a counter-part to take, and takes a predicate function instead of a number. If we refer to the lazy sequence as states once again, we can demonstrate the method by which the sampled states are evaluated with the following snippet:

(take-while (fn [state] (not= state :end))

Here are some sample runs. Note the varying sample durations.

$ java -jar hidden-markov-music-0.1.1-standalone.jar --model song
{:states [:beginning :middle :chorus :finale :end],
 :observations [:A :B :C :D :E :F :G],
  {:beginning 0.8, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.8, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.2},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.8, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.1, :chorus 0.4, :middle 0.5, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 1.0}},
  {:G 0.1508309681509713,
   :F 0.15368721592793577,
   :E 0.079066941340102,
   :D 0.17695854271291928,
   :C 0.16146726189345484,
   :B 0.03045306995996941,
   :A 0.2475360000146473},
  {:G 0.12005076180581573,
   :F 0.06428695107404409,
   :E 0.3036071119102001,
   :D 0.21653617501862477,
   :C 0.03257088347348895,
   :B 0.016584061526303002,
   :A 0.24636405519152335},
  {:G 0.09263548066381984,
   :F 0.01203872772096103,
   :E 0.02990012466171941,
   :D 0.07466421448321871,
   :C 0.24091189200891075,
   :B 0.28023840813910855,
   :A 0.2696111523222619},
  {:G 0.17095453372314598,
   :F 0.17234277762521422,
   :E 0.24731411503150375,
   :D 0.2460561422855615,
   :C 0.08448991466448294,
   :B 0.0063640704204651535,
   :A 0.07247844624962635},
  {:G 0.10528129534675565,
   :F 0.062358828230124855,
   :E 0.23776864068339829,
   :D 0.13049013305659535,
   :C 0.13991833986847177,
   :B 0.24745917867305567,
   :A 0.07672358414159838}},
 {:beginning 1.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.0}}

S = :beginning, E = :B
S = :beginning, E = :G
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :finale, E = :E
S = :finale, E = :A

$ java -jar hidden-markov-music-0.1.1-standalone.jar --model song
{:states [:beginning :middle :chorus :finale :end],
 :observations [:A :B :C :D :E :F :G],
  {:beginning 0.8, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.8, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.2},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.8, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.1, :chorus 0.4, :middle 0.5, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 1.0}},
  {:G 0.20143238933347346,
   :F 0.15551526141796368,
   :E 0.16277322550821022,
   :D 0.1720958316716992,
   :C 0.054199440675473574,
   :B 0.22427402209380504,
   :A 0.029709829299374834},
  {:G 0.1021063135605175,
   :F 0.21950608367754282,
   :E 0.18919919219508524,
   :D 0.18626842795120616,
   :C 0.17074153753933766,
   :B 0.02532689398642226,
   :A 0.10685155108988838},
  {:G 0.25976486943585025,
   :F 0.04415883369321402,
   :E 0.2342753237784126,
   :D 0.13035986998156399,
   :C 0.13258648445526064,
   :B 0.18751834456208297,
   :A 0.011336274093615397},
  {:G 0.12058957367874495,
   :F 0.09679073772535408,
   :E 0.17410245213567632,
   :D 0.12115362598239593,
   :C 0.2003299708326019,
   :B 0.11671750049553742,
   :A 0.17031613914968943},
  {:G 0.2471501223910595,
   :F 0.19171631805403538,
   :E 0.07704646509624592,
   :D 0.041757749043241824,
   :C 0.182983645209612,
   :B 0.12242888814615784,
   :A 0.13691681205964762}},
 {:beginning 1.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.0}}

S = :beginning, E = :E
S = :beginning, E = :F
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :middle, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :F
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :middle, E = :G
S = :middle, E = :F
S = :middle, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :A
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :middle, E = :F
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :A
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :A
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :middle, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :F
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :middle, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :middle, E = :F
S = :middle, E = :A
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :F
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :middle, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :G
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :chorus, E = :C
S = :chorus, E = :B
S = :middle, E = :F
S = :finale, E = :E
S = :finale, E = :A
S = :finale, E = :C
S = :finale, E = :A
S = :finale, E = :G
S = :finale, E = :D
S = :finale, E = :D
S = :finale, E = :F

$ java -jar hidden-markov-music-0.1.1-standalone.jar --model song
{:states [:beginning :middle :chorus :finale :end],
 :observations [:A :B :C :D :E :F :G],
  {:beginning 0.8, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.8, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.2},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.8, :middle 0.2, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.1, :chorus 0.4, :middle 0.5, :end 0.0},
  {:beginning 0.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 1.0}},
  {:G 0.00639161546042577,
   :F 0.38472318640778935,
   :E 0.22012750520268148,
   :D 0.16921825941851767,
   :C 0.1747761107326599,
   :B 0.008765391933627064,
   :A 0.03599793084429881},
  {:G 0.2398279388892917,
   :F 0.14950669312979956,
   :E 0.1824679967622751,
   :D 0.14358460039023815,
   :C 0.09552067739047057,
   :B 0.09259268971001008,
   :A 0.09649940372791492},
  {:G 0.14323756418816158,
   :F 0.2172621202038465,
   :E 0.25049000081339334,
   :D 0.2387604743405832,
   :C 0.035004101919727894,
   :B 0.10810262957794345,
   :A 0.007143108956343943},
  {:G 0.15354096091255215,
   :F 0.08223841582866863,
   :E 0.14595373827374877,
   :D 0.253878563497316,
   :C 0.00406848104785561,
   :B 0.13543687061744433,
   :A 0.22488296982241443},
  {:G 0.21197766614284205,
   :F 0.03290573337770725,
   :E 0.02489642227853659,
   :D 0.0840650078384229,
   :C 0.2049859975737943,
   :B 0.22756670274569424,
   :A 0.2136024700430027}},
 {:beginning 1.0, :finale 0.0, :chorus 0.0, :middle 0.0, :end 0.0}}

S = :beginning, E = :E
S = :beginning, E = :F
S = :beginning, E = :C
S = :beginning, E = :E
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :E
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :chorus, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :D
S = :middle, E = :B
S = :middle, E = :E
S = :finale, E = :G
S = :finale, E = :A
S = :finale, E = :A
S = :finale, E = :F
S = :finale, E = :E
S = :finale, E = :D
S = :finale, E = :F